Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Weekly Goal#5-8

I didn't accomplish these goals because I was out due to family business.

Weekly Goal#9

My goal for week nine is to find somewhere to record the music and to get some blank CD's

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


My goal for tomorrow is to have lyrics done edited so that I can go and record the track.

Two smart goals that I have are:

1. Write the lyrics for new track/song

2. Show Mr.Powhida for evidence

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Weekly Goal#5

My weekly goal for the next week is to find some place to record my next few tracks. My last week goal was to write lyrics for new tracks and I have accomplished that.The evidence that I is in my book of rhymes.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Weekly Goal#4

My goals for week #4 Is to get together with Collaborators and have a little rehearsal.The next thing is to write more lyrics.

I didn't set any goals for week #3

The reason why I didn't set any goals for week #3 is because I wasn't here and I didn't know that it wasn't to late to post them, but my goals would've been to make sure I had the email of an expert.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Weekly Goal#2

My weekly goal for next week will be to write at least the lyrics for two tracks/songs.

Weekly Goal#2

My weekly goal for next week will be to write at least the lyrics for two tracks/songs.

Weekly Goal#1

I accomplished my first goal.First I Got a beat,Brainstormed about topics and collaborations,wrote lyrics,edited what needed to be edit,then recorded.Evidence that I have to prove I accomplished my goal is a few recorded songs on a audio CD. All I needed was a good mind,commitment,and confidence in myself and my abilities.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Music CD Project

The idea that I had for a first project was to create a audio CD. The steps that I would have to follow in order to go about creating this CD are:

1.) Brainstorm ideas to write about

2.) Get Instrumental/beat

3.) Decide whether or not its going to bea collabo and if so who?

4.) Calculate timings of beat and number of bars

5.) Write the lyrics

6.) Edit the lyrics (if wanted to)

7.) Rehearse lyrics

8.) Make sure you have studio time..its most accurate to book it ahead of time

9.) Go to the studio and record

10.) Final mixing and editing

11.) Burn it onto the CD-R

This would be a good project because its something that I am interested in and it gives me a chance to show others talent and entertain them.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

About me

My name is Anthony Hopkins aka Man-Man. I have a lot of interest to be honest, I am a inspiring rapper or whatsome people would call is a "Street Poet". I love music I've been writing since I was little didnt know at first if thats what I wanted to do,but as I continued to write and write I realized that I have a PASSION for music. If you want to reach me and hear a few songs you can find me on my group myspace.....bizzyblakk@aol.com or www.myspace.com/thakrewask. I want to go to a college for music with learnings of producing, recording, and how to use certain programs like protools. I also want to major in Business and managment. I plays sports like Basketball,Football, and a little Baseball. I'm a person that you can hang out with and have a laughable and exciting time at least when im not mad...lol. To get to know mw more holla at me on myspace...ASKgeneral@yahoo.com or www.myspace.com/manmanthegreat.